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Cloud Backup

With the cyber landscape evolving the way it is, Cloud Backup has never been more important for an organisation. Of old, Cloud Backup was an insurance policy, there just in case a disastrous event occurred such a theft, fire or flood. 


Seldom is this a motivator for Cloud Backup anymore, the primary reason for having a Cloud Backup solution now is to counteract the threat of a cyber breach. 


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Many inferior Cloud Backup provisions are still prevalent in the market, their inadequacy not recognised often until it is too late, post a cyber breach when the provision is most needed.  


EquiTech offer a range of Cloud Backup provisions, but at the heart of our offering, these aspects are imperative:


Monitoring and conducting regular checks of backup schedules is something we pride ourselves on. Not just relying on automation and system notifications of failures. We add a human element for observation and checks, as omission can lead to data loss, operational downtime or worse. 


A necessity for any cloud backup. Typically, threat actors will not instigate a ransomware attack until they have first targeted the backup and removed its ability to restore. 


Immutability protects your data, ensuring that backups cannot be encrypted or deleted.


Speed is essential. We map out and mutually agree upon a suitable backup scheme to suit an organisations requirements. Refining the Restore Time Objective (RTO) and Restore Point Objective (RPO) of each an every workload to ensure that in a time of need, we can expediate the process of being fully operational. 


Peace of mind and confidence in a Cloud Backup provision is important. For all our customers we build in testing, with a cadence they're happy with and data set ranging from random workloads to entire restores. 

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We also recommend you look into Cloud Hosting, IaaS & Hybrid:

Hosting, IaaS & Hybrid

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